UNA-Uganda is hosting the AUNYD (African UN Youth Delegates)program in Uganda. The project strives to build the capacity of young people in East Africa with the aim of increasing the youth representation from the region, it also aims to promote UN Youth delegates on a regional level. The project is running in 6 East African countries which are Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Sudan and South Sudan and it is supported by the Government of German through Crisis Simulation for Peace (CRISP).
African youth especially those from East Africa are heavily under represented at the international stage. This made this project very timely. The project that is running for 2years has already had a great impact on the young people from the region.
The project capacitates East African youth and increases their visibility through workshops, skills trainings, and regional meetings fostering innovative learning concepts which lead up to the actual representation at the UN General Assembly and other international forums on base of a joint vision for the East African region. Moreover, the project aims at fostering knowledge about the UN and its work in the participating countries among a broader youth audience.
To facilitate the hands on capacity building the representatives from each of the participating countries have to formulate a mandate. This enables them to focus on issues that are affecting the region as a whole and the young people in the given countries. They also offer solutions aligned with the specific demands outlined in those mandates. To read more