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Road Safety Communication Training

In any effective advocacy campaign, it is essential to focus on both grassroots and grass-top targets while influencing policy. This approach was at the heart of our recently convened monthly Road Safety Advocacy Coalition Uganda communication training. The session, chaired by the Secretary-General of the United Nations Association of Uganda (UNAU), who, alongside Angella Balaba, delivered an engaging presentation on the significance of intentional advocacy in promoting road safety.

Angella Balaba presenting on Communication Campaign

During the training, the chairperson emphasized the need for coalition members to raise public awareness, particularly as we approach a busy school season. He urged all operators of motor vehicles to exercise caution and adhere to safety measures. This call to action reflects the coalition’s commitment to safeguarding lives and preventing road crashes.

Secretary-General on grass top and grass root influence

Representatives from various organizations shared updates on their ongoing road safety initiatives, which include enhancing helmet standards, establishing safe school zones, enforcing speed regulations, and training boda boda riders. These updates highlighted the collective effort to create safer roads and communities.

Ms. Nkalubo Maria, the in-country coordinator for the Global Health Advocacy Incubator, stressed the relevance of peer-to-peer knowledge exchange within the coalition. She encouraged members to collaborate on resource mobilization, communication strategies, and community engagement to amplify their impact. This united approach ensures that every member’s expertise and resources are leveraged for the common goal of road safety. Road safety is an integral part of Sustainable Development Goal 3, which aims to promote good health and well-being. Specifically, Target 3.6 focuses on reducing the number of deaths and injuries caused by road traffic crashes, contributing to healthier lives for all.

Angella Balaba- GHAI In country-Cordinator giving remarks

As we move forward, it is crucial to remain intentional about our road safety practices. Whether behind the wheel or as pedestrians, we must stay vigilant, obey traffic laws, and prioritize safety. Driving within speed limits, adhering to highway regulations, and practicing caution can significantly reduce crashes and save lives. Let us continue to advocate for safer roads and inspire others to join this mission. Together, we can achieve a Uganda where road safety is not just an aspiration but a reality for everyone. Stay safe, stay vigilant- Road Safety Uganda.

ROSACU Members’ reactions on Updates

By Kalema Andrew Arnold
