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Govt to align 90% of NDPIV programmes to SDGs

KAMPALA – The Government says an effort has been made to align the upcoming fourth National Development Plan (NDPIV) to the sustainable development Goals (SDGs).

Onesmus Kansime, the senior programme officer of knowledge management in the Office of the Prime Minister, said on Thursday, May 23, 2024, that at least 90 per cent of the programme has been structured in such a way as to speak to the goals.
He was speaking during the Leave No One dialogue organised by the United Nations Association of Uganda (UNAU) at the Noble View Hotel in Kampala.

The event was among others organised to sensitise journalists on SDGs for effective communication to the citizenry. SDGs, also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity

A core tenet of the SDGs is the concept of ‘no one left behind’ — that sustainable development must help people regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, migratory status, income, disability or geographic location. Kansime admitted that the push to achieve the goals is facing some challenges, including financing. He said, however, that some “robust” domestic revenue strategies are being worked upon, adding that these are geared towards empowering communities economically.

Source: Read more here

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